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Multiversity of Human Health
The Grassroots Initiative
Show Your Parents
Suicide Prevention at Grassroots
Teen development
Cyberbullying: Intervention & Prevention
Indigenous population
Asthma and its management
Past Issues 2015-2018
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Vol 4, Issue 1
1- Editorial: intervention or prevention, DHH, 4(1), 2017.
2- Shahtahmasebi: A working model of suicide prevention, DHH, 4(1), 2017
3- TeApatu & Shahtahmasebi: Suicide prevention for Maori, DHH, 4(1), 2017
4- McDonald & Liddell: Flipped Learning, DHH, 4(1), 2017
Vol 4, Issue 2
1- Editorial: Dynamics of human behaviour, DHH, 4(2), 2017
2- Fitzgerald & Pridmore: Funding for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, DHH, 4(2), 2017
3- Wain et al: Youth Alert! – DHH, 4(2), 2017
4- Shahtahmasebi: the suicide conspiracy, DHH, 4(2), 2017.
Vol 4, Issue 3
1-Editorial: record suicide numbers, DHH, 4(3), 2017.
2- Latta et al: Teen sexual activity, DHH, 4(3), 2017.
3- Pridmore et al: Tedium vitae suicide, DHH, 4(3), 2017.
4- Pridmore &Pridmore: suicide in pictures, DHH, 4(3), 2017.
Vol 4, Issue 4
1-Editorial, DHH, 4(4), 2017.
2-Pridmore & Pridmore: ‘Suicide is preventable’ is cant, DHH, 4(4), 2017.
3-S. Shahtahmasebi: How to prevent suicide, DHH, 4(4), 2017.
4-Latta et al: Teens sexual activity, DHH, 4(4), 2017.
5- Z. Shahtahmasebi: Reporting suicide, DHH, 4(4), 2017.
Vol 5, Issue 1
1- Editorial
2- Omar: Making it to adulthood
3- Shahtahmasebi: Statisticians and suicide prevention
4- Pridmore: Suicide according to Zola
5- Turner: School initiated suicide prevention
Vol 5, Issue 2
1-Editorial: Dynamics of suicide prevention
2- Proaño & Omar: trauma in adolescents
3-Shahtahmasebi: Bipolar and suicide risk
4- Shahtahmasebi: Psychiatry & Statistics
5- Berridge: Paper I – Statistical modelling
Vol 5, Issue 3
1- Editorial: Prevention or intervention
2-Omar & Shahtahmasebi: Making it to adulthood (2)
3- Pridmore & Pridmore: Suicide in Dr Zhivago
4- Saxby Pridmore: Socrates and suicide
5- Bernadette Cassidy: the art of recovery
6- Announcements
Vol 5, Issue 4
1- Editorial: the blame game
2- Commentary: suicide in the Economist
3- Suicide: who to blame?
4- Book project update
5- What is evidence: Teenage smoking
6- Statistical modelling (paper 2)
Past Issues 2019-
Vol 6, Issue 1
1- Editorial
2- S. Pridmore: People’s choices
3- Shahtahmasebi: Suicide debate – Part I
4- Shahtahmasebi: Suicide Debate – Part II
5- D. Berridge: Statistical Modelling
6-S. Pridmore: Letter
Vol 6, Issue 2
1- Editorial: A “wellbeing” approach?
2-Pridmore: Interpersonal Theory of Suicide
3- Pridmore: Les Misérables
4- Shahtahmasebi: A “wellbeing budget
Vol 6, Issue 3
1- Editorial: NZ suicide numbers record high
2-Pridmore: Dear PM
3- Shahtahmasebi: modelling prevention
4- Pridmore: suicide of 2 Russian soldiers
5- Letters
Vol 6, Issue 4
1- Editorial: Old age; suicide
2-Shahtahmasebi: survival in old age
3- Pridmore et al: Suicide by cop
4- Srivastava et al: Tuberculosis
5- Pridmore et al: greatest minds
Vol 7, Issue 1
1- Shahtahmasebi: When is a fact not a fact
2- Pridmore: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
3- Shahtahmasebi: Survival in old age
4- Johnson & Omar: Menstrual Suppression
Vol 7, Issue 2
1- Editorial: COVID-19
2- Pridmore: 1001 night
3- Agnihotri & Kant: Asthma & Yoga
4- Allabadi et al.: Covid-19 & Palestinian adolescents
5- Shahtahmasebi: Social aspects of COVID-19
6- Shahtahmasebi: Survival in old age
7- The Broader View of Suicide
Vol 7, Issue 3
1- Editorial: Pandora’s box
2-Pridmore: Suicide by cop2
3-Latta et al.:Etonogestrel Sub-Dermal Implant
4- Shahtahmasebi: Morale in old age
Vol 7, Issue 4
1- Editorial: What the People Want
2- Saxby Pridmore: Massacre
3- Pridmore & Pridmore: Can’t buy me love
4- Patel & Omar: Childhood obesity
5- Pridmore: Health & Beauty
Vol 8, Issue 1
1-Editorial: euthanasia
2- Pridmore et al: euthanasia and mental illness
3. Greydanus & Cabral: why vaccinate
4. Shahtahmasebi: child disability & poverty
Vol 8, Issue 2
1. Editorial: suicide vs mental illness
2. Cassidy: Reinventing a library
3. Pridmore: Narcissism
4. Pridmore: Loss of loved one
5. Shahtahmasebi: Longitudinal disability & Poverty
6. Gerhart & Omar: COVID & Teens
Vol 8, Issue 3
1. Editorial: No one is listening
2. Shahtahmasebi: Mental Health services
3. Letter: Suicide in the media
Vol 8, Issue 4
1- Editorial: Power…
2- Pridmore et al: Happiness
3- Pridmore et al: Depression
4- Shahtahmasebi: Addressing suicide
Vol 9, Issue 1
1- Shahtahmasebi: Covid-19 & dynamics of decision-making
2- Letters
3- Gerhert et al.: anxiety in adolescents
4- McVan et al.: Hirsutism in Adolescent Females
5- Pridmore: Daily Mood Diary
6- Pridmore et al.: cluster TMS
7- Pridmore et al.: Suicide & Blame
8- Editorial: a government out of touch
9- Letter: ‘Having no feelings’
10- Pridmore et al.: Hannibal’s suicide
11- Pridmore et al: Life and Suicide
12- Pridmore: Subjective Depression Scale
13. Editorial: mental health: it’s all relative
Volume 10, Issue 1
1. Editorial: ‘Politics’
2. A taxonomy of suicide
3. Pridmore: Happiness
4. TikTok: A Review
5. Suicide by guillotine
6. Suicide prevention de-constructed
7- Letter: medicalisation of human behaviour
8. Biblical suicides
9. Forecasting suicide rates
10. Social media & eating disorder
11. Social media & suicide
12. Beating eating disorder
Volume 11, Issue 1
1. Editorial: New PM, new strategy?
2. Subjective depression Scale
3. Teen Dating Violence
4. Bariatric Surgery
5. Letters
6. TMS Explained
7. Cyberbullying
8. Treatment of FND
Dynamics of Human Health (DHH)
ISSN 2382-1019
Vol 5, Issue 4
December 2018.